Testing Accommodations

Testing and school accommodations for students with disabilities

Academic and standardized testing accommodations (e.g., MCAT, LSAT, SAT) for students with ADHD, learning disorders, emotional disorders, and disabilities.

A brainworkup logo of a brain for testing and academic accommodations.

Need for Services

Many children, teenagers, and adults struggle with a range of mental and physical disabilities including ADHD, learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or Dyscalculia, mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD, and neurocognitive conditions such as a head injury. These conditions can occur together and cause difficulties at school and work, which is why the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides individuals with reasonable academic accommodations such as extended time on exams, start and stop breaks, access to assistive devices, and private testing rooms.


Accommodations can be provided for the following standardized tests:

High school to college

College to medical/graduate/law/business school

Professional licensing exams

ADA and Testing Accommodations

Under the ADA, individuals with a disability (physical or mental) that substantially limits major life activities are entitled to reasonable academic accommodations. These modifications ensure equal opportunities and true potential performance.

Covered Disabilities

The ADA recognizes a range of disabilities for accommodations:

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Dyslexia and other learning disorders

  • Psychological Conditions (e.g., Depression, Anxiety)

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Sensory impairments (vision/hearing)

  • Physical impairments (e.g., Crohn’s disease)

  • Acquired head injuries/TBI

Documentation Requirements

Applicants must create a profile on the tests website portal and provide extensive documentation, including:

  • History of receiving accommodations

  • Strategies, devices, or medications used

  • Insufficiency of strategies for MCAT

  • Documentation of the condition

  • Types of accommodations requested

  • Personal statement

  • Supporting documents (diagnosis verification, prior evaluations, academic transcripts, standardized test scores, past accommodations, academic documents)

Submission Timeline

In general, requests should be submitted at least 60 days before the test date.

Available Accommodations

Accommodations vary by disability, but common ones include extended time, private testing rooms, and additional breaks.

Comprehensive Evaluation Requirement

A comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional is essential to support the request. It should include:

  • Clinical interview

  • Behavioral observations

  • Neuropsychological/psychoeducational testing

  • Detailed report with individualized analysis and recommendations


An initial consultation is scheduled to gather relevant background information. This is a good time to ask specific questions and address concerns you may have. We can provide the highest quality of service by working collaboratively with you. If further testing is warranted, a testing appointment will be made at that time.

Testing & Evaluation

The testing session may last from 2-8 hours, depending on the referral question, nature of the problem, and availability of previous testing results. Of course, you will be allowed to take breaks as needed.

Feedback Session

Following the evaluation, a feedback session with you and your family may be conducted to discuss results and recommendations. With consent, other professionals involved in treatment may participate and/or receive information about the evaluation.


A comprehensive report will be provided to you and your family. The report will include background information, test results, diagnosis, and recommendations. The report can then be used to apply for testing accommodations.


Testing accommodations aim to level the playing field for applicants with disabilities, ensuring fair assessment of abilities. Comprehensive evaluations by licensed professionals are vital for substantiating accommodation requests.