
Early childhood evaluation of neurocognitive development

Toddlers (Ages 2-3)

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Preschoolers (Ages 3-5)

Emerging neurocognitive skills can be assessed in children as young as 3 years-old. However, preschoolers don’t have the same skill-set as older children, adolescents and adults, so the evaluation of preschool-aged children requires special training.

For several years, we were involved in two major research studies of preschool-aged children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that were funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). The first study was the NIMH Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) [link], and more recently, the Queens College Preschool Project (QCPP) [link].

Amongst several important findings, we discovered that changes in neurocognitive development predicted improvements (or lack thereof) in ADHD symptoms over a period of three years [link]. Thus, if you are interested in having your preschooler evaluated to establish his/her baseline level of neurocognitive development, we are well trained to work with this unique population.

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